Sunday, September 8, 2019

Jesus Time
Through our discussion of Creation, we learned God made everything just by saying the words and it was so.  However, with people he took a little more time.  He formed us from the dust on the ground and breathed his breath of life into us.  God still creates us today and each time he says "This is good!"

Bubbles Unit
We began our year with a short Bubble Unit.  The children explored with bubbles and learned a few facts along the way.  

Question:  If you blow into a triangle shape, what shape will your bubble be?
Answer:  It is always a circle.  Bubbles cannot come out in any other shapes.
Students explored this concept by blowing through various play dough cutter shapes.  They found each and every time the bubble shape was sphere.

Question:  What kind of soap is the best for making bubble solution.
Our Results:  We found more people felt the dish soap was the better soap to get the most bubbles.
Students had the opportunity to be a part of a scientific study.  They did not know which soap was which.  The three soaps were foam hand soap, dish soap, and shampoo.  Each child came over and gave three tries with each of the three solutions.  They then decided which one they felt was the best solution.  It was our first science experiment for the year.

Question:  Can you catch a bubble?
Answer:  Yes!
We did discuss why we can stick a soapy finger into a bubble.  And why we can catch a bubble with a soapy hand.  We also had the chance to blow colored bubbles and catch them on paper.  When they popped they left their shape behind on the paper.

Language Arts
Each of the students had the opportunity to create "Counting Bubbles Book"  It should have come home this week.
We also had the chance to do a writing about I found a ______ floating in my bubble.

The students learned to play a game called "Fill the Cup".  It was a counting game.  Within this game, students had to read the number on the dice.  They then had to count that many marbles, or circle rocks into their cup.  Once someone has filled he cup, the game is done.

Students had the opportunity to explore on Geoboards.  They could work to create various shapes using the geobands.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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